Everyone’s a Socialiser
At the turn of the century, MMOs were regarded by their players as hard-core gaming experiences. The way that MMO players interact with one another has changed over the years. In particular, there used to be fewer socialisers than there are now. Some of this is because MMOs have been designed to attract more socialisers, but it can also be argued that much of it is because the players themselves have changed over the years, with individuals becoming more social as a consequence of playing. In this talk, a number of possible explanations as to why this is the case are examined, and Richard Bartle’s player type theory is used to explain why we shouldn’t be surprised by it.
Referee: Prof. Dr. Richard Bartle, University of Essex
Dr. Richard Allan Bartle, born in 1960 in Ripon (Great Briton), works as an author and researcher for computer games and teaches game design as a professor at the University of Essex. In 1978, he developed the first virtual world together with his colleague Roy Trubshaw, the “Multi-User Dungeon” (MUD). In 2003 he wrote the book Designing Virtual Worlds. Through his research on player personality types and preferences, he developed a typology and the so-called Bartle-Test. In 2010, he has been honored with the Online Game Legend Award.
Datum und Ort: 28. April in der Kath. Stiftungsfachhochschule, Preysingstr. 83
Der Vortrag und die Diskussion finden in englischer Sprache statt. Eine Simultanübersetzung ist verfügbar.
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